Software to improve your Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Would you like to improve the Overall Equipment Effectiveness of your company? Then the MyPlantFloor software is really something for you. Our software registers the Overall Equipment Effectiveness of your company in real time and streamlines your production processes, so that your score improves enormously in a short time.

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Wat is Overall Equipment Effectiveness?

What does Overall Equipment Effectiveness mean?

Overall Equipment Effectivenes meaning

The meaning "Overall Equipment Effectiveness" can be translated from Dutch to “The actual utilization rate of machines”. Overall Equipment Effectiveness is then expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100%. It is an indication that indicates how effectively a company or department uses its production line(s). The formula to calculate the Overall Equipment Effectiveness is as follows: availability rate * performance rate * quality rate


Calculate Overall Equipment Effectiveness


We help you to achieve a high Overall Equipment Effectiveness

The Overall Equipment Effectiveness or OEE is a score that indicates how effectively a company uses its production lines. The higher this score, the less losses you have. Having a high OEE score is therefore the key to a successful company. Our OEE-software not only gives you a good insight into what needs to be improved, it also helps you very concretely to address these pain points and thus eliminate unnecessary losses. In this way you can already achieve a major production improvement in a short period of time. Combine this software with our CMMS system for optimal results.

Discover the amazing results

Are you interested in MyPlantFloor to improve your Overall Equipment Effectiveness? Then quickly contact Agilitec from Breda via or via +31 76 5156572. We will answer all your questions as quickly as possible. With us you not only count on the best software solutions, but also on the best service.
