Processing production orders and improving OEE | MyPlantFloor

Production orders + OEE

The MyPlantFloor production order/OEE application offers all the essential functionalities for an efficient production floor. The user interface is fully web-based in multiple languages and the application can be used both on-premise and in the cloud.

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) with MyPlantFloor

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

MyPlantFloor - Productieorders + OEE

We can gauge production efficiency by looking at the utilization rate of the production lines. This utilization rate is expressed in Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), an essential KPI that shows in percentages (0-100%) to what extent the available machine capacity is actually used to make salable products. It is not unusual for more than half of the available capacity to be lost due to factors such as malfunctions, waiting times, changeovers, incorrect machine settings, insufficient production speed, poor product quality and other inefficiencies. In short, there is still much room for improvement!

You can read all about calculating OEE here.


MyPlantFloor production orders/OEE software actively contributes to a higher utilization rate thanks to:

  1. Support for the production manager in determining the optimal sequence and distribution of production orders across the lines.

  2. Clear management of employees and machines thanks to online order and master data.

  3. Real-time feedback on order and machine status makes it possible to intervene quickly.

  4. The system architecture of MyPlantFloor offers a detailed collection of OEE data and extensive possibilities for reporting and analysis.

In short: MyPlantFloor leaves no stone unturned in its quest to convert hidden capacity back into usable capacity.

Why MyPlantFloor helps you achieve better OEE results

Production order distribution and sequencing

Order and master data can be imported via an API from any ERP or other administrative system. Although most of our customers use this type of link, it is not mandatory. MyPlantFloor also offers the option to create and/or edit production orders manually. Production management assigns the orders to the production lines and determines the most efficient order without jeopardizing the required delivery time. Graphical planning board and changeover time reduction are add-ons that simplify this process considerably.



Instead of distributing orders on paper, the order and all associated data – such as packaging instructions, bill of materials, product information and machine settings – are online available to the machine operator via the operator dashboard. This not only leads to fewer administrative actions, but also fewer errors, less rework and improved performance. The overview also shows how the machine is performing.

Feedback and overview

The link with the production lines provides a real-time overview of all lines, including the order status and the expected order completion time. To calculate an end time that is as accurate as possible, the system uses a standard speed that applies to the specific product-line combination and takes into account planned stops and shift times. The feedback of the expected end time and the next order enables the logistics departments and, if necessary, maintenance and quality to prepare for the product change as much as possible.


Eenvoudige en nauwkeurige Overall Equipment Effectiveness registratie

Further increasing the utilization rate

The online management of machines and operators already provides a significant OEE gain, but this can be further strengthened with a TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) program. This program focuses on maximizing the reliability and efficiency of machines and processes. Success ultimately depends on the people, but technology that collects the data and converts it into usable information plays a crucial role in the improvement results.

All details about OEE, machine and order status and other important matters can be found in the clearly laid out and responsive operator dashboard. This customizable screen also offers the following data and functionalities:

  • Real-time OEE with continuity trend: This gives the operator direct insight into machine performance and allows him or her to call for assistance in a timely manner in case of disappointing performance.

  • Automatic registration of planned downtime: The integrated co-pilot function simplifies the operator's work.

  • Loss registration: The system not only asks to designate availability losses, but also performance and quality losses, creating a more complete picture.

  • Operator notes for shift handover: Ensures smooth communication between different shifts.

  • Line clearance requirements: Conditions before the line is restarted.

  • Assistance request via WhatsApp: Offers a fast and efficient way to request support from maintenance or logistics, for example.


OEE reporting; OEE per period, OEE in time allocation, etc.

Extensive reporting options

MyPlantFloor OEE offers extensive analysis options as standard, such as OEE trends, Pareto, OEE Dashboard, Reporting, etc. In addition, you can also export all data to Excel or Power BI, for example.

OEE report, Pareto, Trends, Shift report and export to Excel and Power BI

Eliminate even more OEE loss - Expand with standard modules

Expandable with additional modules and/or add-ons

MyPlantFloor provides insight into the biggest pain points and encourages better teamwork, which leads to a rapid improvement in OEE. In a subsequent phase, you can easily expand the application with standard modules aimed at further eliminating losses and replacing paper flow. This results in an optimally functioning, paperless production environment.

Planning & scheduling


Optimize production planning and improve the use of resources.

Quality control


Guarantee and increase product quality with extensive checks and tracking.

Inventory management


Prevent production loss due to a lack of suitable raw materials, materials and/or semi-finished products.

Benefits of an OEE App

Other advantages

User-friendly, multilingual and flexible

The MyPlantFloor MES / OEE solution offers various additional benefits that increase user-friendliness, scalability and accessibility:


User-friendly web-based interface

Any user with the correct rights can view and operate any screen from any device with a web browser.


Multilingual support

The interface automatically switches to the desired language based on the user login.


Expandable to multisite

Suitable for implementation at multiple locations, with centralized management options.


Flexible server options

Can be hosted both on-premise and in the cloud, without the intervention of edge computing.


Flexible purchasing models

Available as an “all-inclusive” subscription model or one-time purchase supplemented with an update and support contract.