What is Six Sigma? Better operating result - MyPlantFloor

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is an improvement method that is applied worldwide and produces a sustainable improvement in operating results. The focus is on the customer, because what do they really find important? In the long term, the approach leads to cost savings, higher customer satisfaction and shorter lead time. An approach that invests in employees and their knowledge and skills.

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What is Six Sigma?

Six Sigma for a clear result

Lean six sigma

The organization can be improved in a structured way with Six Sigma. The implementation leads to clear and measurable results. The improvement method is popular with many organizations. The reason for this is that it is an effective method to achieve lower operational costs, greater customer satisfaction and higher profit. Because not only is the focus on customer satisfaction, generating financial results is also central to Six Sigma.

Advantages of Six Sigma


MyPlantFloor registers, prevents and provides insight into production losses

MyPlantFloor is a configurable software product that automatically registers, visualizes and prevents production losses. This improves the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). The combination of modern technology and smart functionalities guarantees:

· more involvement
· maximum (real-time) insight from various angles
· low implementation time
· maximum motivation of the people to prevent loss


Improved operating result

Processes can be improved. This ensures a direct contribution to the operating result. Six Sigma is a way to achieve a goal but is not the goal itself. The operating result can be improved by creating customer value.


The basis for quality improvement

Employees are trained so that they are able to control and improve processes. Management and the board are actively involved in the process.


Improved lead time

Where exactly is it going wrong? Where within processes does waste appears? Six Sigma answers these and other questions. Answers that solve problems in many processes and procedures.


Learn to improve

Organizations learn how to improve themselves. By focusing on added value, the customer is put first. Meeting the wishes of the customer not only increases customer satisfaction, but also challenges organizations to take a closer look at their services, products and processes and to improve them structurally.

Meer informatie

Would you like to know more about Six Sigma? Then click here. Would you like to know more about MyPlantFloor in relation to Six Sigma? Then please contact us. Also, if you want a demonstration of MyPlantFloor, let us know. Call +31 76 5156572 or email info@agilitec.nl.

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