Changeover time reduction (SMED) with MyPlantFloor

Changeover time reduction

➔ Minimizes changeover loss by optimizing production order sequence planning
➔ Supports SMED method by optimizing internal operations
➔ Strengthens the OEE improvement culture
➔ Prevents loss of quality due to changeover errors

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Reduce changeover times of processes and machines

Reducing changeover time

Changeover time reduction

Switching a production line from one product to another is often a relatively time-consuming process. Ever smaller production runs and thus a growing number of product changes make changeover time loss one of the largest and fastest growing OEE losses. The changeover time reduction module gives you more insight and supports you in reducing this loss.

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Minimizing changeover loss through better sequencing

First, the module calculates a planned or achievable changeover time for each transition. With this information, planning can easily determine an optimal production order sequence for each line so that ultimately the least amount of time is lost.

The most commonly used technique for reducing changeover time is the SMED-method (Single Minute Exchange of Die). SMED divides the changeover process into internal operations (executable only when the machine is not producing) and external operations (executable with the machine still running). Improvement occurs by:

  • Changing internal operations to external operations as much as possible

  • Optimizing remaining internal operations


Through awareness and better information, the changeover time reduction module helps reduce losses

  • A clear step-by-step changeover instruction provided with pictures and/or videos helps the operator to correctly perform the requested tasks. The instruction is available prior to the scheduled changeover.

  • Operator avoids unnecessary loss of time as he/she can request missing materials, special tools and/or assistance ahead of time via the user interface.

  • Presentation of remaining scheduled changeover time raises awareness among participants.


Using the changeover time reduction module reinforces the OEE improvement culture

Seen purely from the machine's perspective, every changeover is an availability and therefore an OEE loss. In other words, food for thought for the improvement teams who will optimize the changeover operations using the SMED method. This is only part of the improvement success because with MyPlantFloor we also keep users informed in real time of the OEE performance per order and per service. So as not to lose them in the OEE improvement culture, in the real-time feedback we calculate the calculated changeover time as a planned loss that does not affect the OEE number. Any exceeding of the calculated changeover time does represent a loss.

Conversion time reduction SMED Line release

Prevents quality loss due to changeover errors

Changeover errors often lead to extra work, rejects or, in the worst case, a recall with all the financial consequences. The changeover reduction module also offers the ability to work with a machine release list. The release list is a checklist that serves as a reminder for the rebuilders. Any mandatory approval by a quality officer is a prerequisite for releasing a production line for production. This way of working reduces the risk of errors.


Maintenance of planned changeover time calculation

Thanks to awareness, adjustment of production line components, better and available tools, training and/or better coordination, the loss due to changeovers, will be drastically reduced. Something that is clearly reflected in the changeover time summary report. The improvement team can easily adjust each time gain per changeover operation, with the result that the proposed changeover time remains correct.

Optimize your changeover times

Would you also like to implement structured optimization measures and reduce the changeover times of your processes and machines? With MyPlantFloor you can minimize changeover losses through smart production order sequencing and support of the SMED method. This reinforces the OEE improvement culture and prevents quality losses due to changeover errors.

Thanks to the modular design, you only choose the functions that are relevant to you. The software is flexible, easy to set up and always up to date. Request a demo and discover how MyPlantFloor - Manufacturing control can optimize your production process! Contact us by calling +31 76 5156572 or send an e-mail to

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